Data Cleaning & Exploration

Description of Project

In this project we conduct data cleaning and data exploration of housing data.

Skills used: JOINS, String Functions, Window Functions, ISNULL Functions, CASE Statements, CTE's, Aggregate Functions, Aliases, Rank, Count, Slicing Data using NTILE


Data Cleaning in SQL

  • Using CONVERT function, we standardised the date format
  • Populated the property address 
  • Broke out address into individual columns (address, city, state) using SUBSTRING and CHARINDEX with the comma delimiter as well as using PARSENAME with REPLACE
  • Changed Y and N to ‘YES’ and ’NO’ to fit in line with the rest of the calculations in the table using CASE statements 
  • Removed duplicates using Row number as CTE and Window function such as PARTITION BY
  • Removed redundant columns

Elements Used